Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023
Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023: क्या आपने मेहनत से कमाए हुए पैसे को खर्च किया? और अगर आपने वह पैसा सहारा में निवेश किया था और अब उसे वापस लेना चाहते हैं, तो हम आपके लिए अच्छी खबर है। इस लेख में हम आपको बताएँगे कि आप अपना पैसा रिफंड कैसे ले सकते हैं। उसके लिए बहुत कुछ नहीं करना है। बस इस लेख को पूरा पढ़ें और ऑनलाइन आवेदन करते समय मांगे जाने वाले सभी दस्तावेजों को भरें। Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023
➡ Interested candidates read the full notification carefully, before applying online.
News Update [icon name=”desktop” style=”solid” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] :- Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023 is Started Interested Candidates Can Apply Online Form Using the Important Link Section. |
Overview | |
Article | Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023 |
Category | Latest Update |
Authority | Sahara India |
Apply Start Date | 18.07.2023 |
Apply Last Date | N/A |
Apply Mode | Online |
Official Website | |
Important Documents
- Deposit certificate/ Passbook
- Claim Request Form
- PAN Card (if the claim amount is Rs. 50,000/- and above) आदि।
ताकि आप आसानी से रिफंड के लिए आवेदन कर सकें Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023, आपको उपरोक्त सभी दस्तावेजो को स्कैन करके अपलोड करना होगा।
How to Apply Sahara India Refund
आप अपना पैसा रिफंड चाहते है तो हम आपको बताएँगे की आप अपना पैसा रिफंड कैसे ले सकते है । Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023 आप निचे दिए गए स्टेप्स को फॉलो करके बिलकुल आसानी से ऑनलाइन अप्लाई कर सकते है।
- सबसे पहले आपको इसके ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर आ जाना है।
- अब आपको इस पेज पर जमाकर्ता पंजीकरण का ऑप्शन देखने को मिल जाएगा जिस पर आपको क्लिक करना है।
- अब आपके सामने एक पेज खुल जाएगा जहाँ पर आपको मांगे जाने वाले सभी जरूरत चीजों को भरना है। (आधार नंबर अंतिम चार अंक, और आधार से जुड़ा मोबाइल नंबर डालकर otp संबित कर देना है)
- अब आपको अपना Login Id और Password मिल जाएगा, जिसे आपने संभाल के या फिर याद रखना है।
- अब आपको Login करना होगा जिसके लिए इसके ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर आकर आपको जमाकर्ता लॉगिन पर क्लिक करना होगा।
- अब आपके सामने Refund Application Form खुल जाएगा।
- इस फॉर्म को आपको बिलकुल ध्यानपूर्वक भरना होगा।
- और मांगे जाने वाली सभी दस्तावेजों को स्कैन करके अपलोड करना होगा, और प्रोसेड ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करना होगा।
- क्लिक करने के बाद आपके सामने एक स्लिप खुल कर आ जायेगी।
- अब अंत में आपको संबित के ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करना होगा जिसके बाद आपको आवेदन की एक रसीद मिल जायेगी जिसका आपने प्रिंट निकलवा लेना है, और बिलकुल सुरक्षित रखना है।
Important Date
Apply Online Start Date | 18 July 2023 |
Apply Online Last Date | N/A |
Important Link
Apply Online (Registration) | Click Here |
Login | Click Here |
Download User Manual | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |
Refund Portal for Sahara
Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023 10 crore depositors would be thrilled when Union Cooperative Minister Amit Shah introduces the Sahara Refund Portal on July 18, 2023. Investors whose investment period has ended will receive their money back using this gateway. The Supreme Court’s decision led to the launch, which intends to give Sahara investors all pertinent information on the Money refund procedure. The Ministry of Cooperation has taken this action in response to investor complaints regarding deposits made with the Sahara Portal and cooperative societies owned by the Sahara Group, notably Sahara Credit Cooperative Society Limited. For these claims, the Supreme Court has ordered CRCS to set aside Rs 5,000 crore.
Sahara Refund Portal for CRCS
The Aadhaar numbers of depositors are connected to their mobile devices and bank accounts through the CRCS Sahara Refund Portal 2023 site. The refund procedure starts after providing the form’s fields with the specifics of the receipt. Within 45 days, money is deposited into the claimant’s bank account.
Sahara Refund Portal Launch Date
On July 18, 2023, the Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023 was launched as a critical measure to satisfy the legitimate claims of depositors who had put their hard-earned money into the cooperative societies run by the Sahara Group. This move is in response to a Supreme Court decision that ordered the transfer of Rs. 5000 crores from the “Sahara-SEBI Refund Account” to CRCS for the purpose of paying legitimate depositors’ outstanding debts.
Sahara Refund Portal Login
You can visit the Sahara Refund Portal CRCS Login at the following address: By following the instructions on the portal, depositors can log on to this website, apply for their refunds, and submit those requests. Eligible persons can easily log in and submit their refund applications through this platform. Depositors can use the portal and submit their refund requests by entering their Aadhaar number, mobile number, and other required information. By streamlining the refund procedure and ensuring investors have a positive experience, the Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023 intends to make it simple for investors to claim their dues.
Government In CRCS Sahara Refund Portal 2023
As instructed by the Supreme Court to distribute Rs. 5000 crores from the “Sahara-SEBI Refund Account” to legitimate depositors of Sahara Group’s Cooperative Societies, Union Minister Amit Shah unveiled the “CRCS-Sahara Refund” in New Delhi. One crore investors who made deposits of Rs. 10,000 or more have a one-of-a-kind opportunity to claim the first payment of up to Rs. 10,000 through the platform. After the distribution of Rs. 5,000 crores, efforts would be made to return the remaining funds to additional qualified investors through a Supreme Court appeal. The right to file a claim belongs to eligible depositors who made investments in the cooperative societies of the Sahara Group before particular deadlines.
Website and Form for the Sahara Refund Portal 2023
The user-friendly interface of the Sahara India Refund Portal makes it simple for depositors to move through the application procedure. Depositors must register on the website by entering their pertinent information, connecting their Aadhaar number to their bank account and cellphone number, and uploading any required paperwork, including the certificate of deposit and PAN card (if applicable).
How long will it take to get a refund?
After the claim is submitted on the CRCS Sahara refund portal, the refund will be credited to the claimant’s bank account within 45 days.
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The Sahara Refund Portal was created by who?
On July 18, 2023, Shri Amit Shah, the Hon’ble Union Minister for Home & Cooperation, unveiled the platform Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023.
How can qualified depositors go about requesting their refunds?
Through the Sahara Refund Portal’s official website (, eligible depositors can request their returns. They can log in and submit their refund requests by entering their Aadhaar number, mobile number, and other required information.
What requirements must be met in order to submit a refund claim using the CRCS Sahara refund portal?
Depositors may request the first payment of up to Rs. 10,000 through the portal if they had made an investment of Rs. 10,000 or more in one of the cooperative societies run by the Sahara Group Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023.
How quickly may a refund be obtained through the Sahara Refund Portal?
Within 45 days of the claim being submitted on the portal, the funds will be paid into the claimant’s bank account Sebi-Sahara Refund Online Application Form 2023.
Sonu Kumar Is The Author & Founder of the He Has Also Completed His Graduation From Jamui (Bihar). He Is Passionate About Blogging, Youtubing & Digital Marketing.